At the end of August, 4 new tunnel tubes with a total length of more than 5 kilometers opened to traffic on the new Route 16 highway in Jerusalem, Israel.
The tunnels are operated with our Asset Company Yunex Traffic's tunnel management software, which enables automated control of the tunnel, thus increasing safety for road users.
The new road opens another gateway to the capital and connects Highway 1 with the western and southern neighborhoods of Jerusalem. The road is about 6 km long and consists of 4 tunnels, 7 bridges and 3 interchanges. Most of the road will run in tunnels, which will be safely and efficiently controlled thanks to Yunex Traffic's tunnel management software.
The digital tunnel management system used in the Route 16 tunnels includes all central software systems and components of the central monitoring, control and guidance systems, as well as all interfaces between the system and the central equipment and external and internal systems. Since all subsystems in the tunnel are controlled via the digital tunnel management system, the software enables short-term reactions to interruptions and thus ensures safe travel in the tunnel.
A digital twin of the SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system was built to reduce the amount of testing required on site and shorten the time it took to open the road to traffic. Almost all traffic scenarios could be tested in advance with external consultants and finally approved by the customer before the system was installed on site. This saved a lot of time and resulted in the road being opened to traffic 2 months earlier than the original schedule.