In 2021, we have thoroughly updated our remuneration policy. A significant proportion of employee remuneration is linked to the achievement of sustainability objectives in the environmental, social and governance fields.
The committees set up within the Board of Directors are responsible for in-depth analysis of all issues with a possible impact on the Group's management. In carrying out their investigative activities on behalf of the Board of Directors, they may avail themselves of external consultants within the terms set out by the Board.
The term of office of the Committees coincides with that of the Board of Directors, whose early termination determines the immediate lapse also of the Committees.
Our principles

Offer clear and transparent information of our remuneration system

Create long term value

Promote a sustainable development model for shareholders and other stakeholders
The importance of sustainability
Priority topics on the group's ESG agenda determine 20% of performance metrics.
ESG objectives determine 30% of the performance metrics.

The approval of the Shareholders' meeting
Focus on: strategy, sustainability and remuneration

Roadmap to neutral carbon footprint by 2040: reducing carbon footprint in line with a certified Science Based Target initiative (scope 1 and 2 emissions)

Resources: doubling the percentage of consumed elecrtricity that comes from renewable resources

Dialogue and engagement: achieving a favourable stakeholder assesment of the Company's reputation

Equal opportunities: >20% of management positions held by women; >20% of members appointed by the Company to governance and auditing bodies of companies invested in are women; >40% of new hires in senior professional positions are women
Safety: accident frequency rate for direct employess <14%
*Target 2023