Tax Footprint

We build relationships between people, ideas, and territories to multiply opportunities and transform the present into a more sustainable and prosperous future. Wherever we operate in the world, we strive to be part of vibrant, inclusive, and ambitious communities. Through fiscal contribution, we embrace their challenges, invest in their skills and potential to jointly create a path of responsible development.

Total Tax Contribution

In 2023, our total tax contribution amounted to €2,533 million, consisting of 52% in tax borne  that represent a cost for the Group, and 48% in taxes collected  on behalf of governments and various local administrations. 


Tax borne

Taxes directly incurred and paid with one's own resources, including income taxes, property taxes, and other fiscal obligations that constitute a financial burden for the payer.

Tax collected

These are taxes collected on behalf of the tax authority from third parties, such as customers or employees, including levies such as VAT and withholding taxes. They do not represent a direct cost.

Out Total Tax Contribution: Origins and Purposes

Key Indicators of the Group’s tax contribution

The amount of taxes paid during the year is related to the results achieved and the management of the Group. For every €100 of revenue generated by the Group, we paid €21.6 in taxes.
For each of our 23,000 employees, we paid €21,000 in People Tax.

Total Tax Contribution over Revenue

Tax borne over Pre-Tax borne Profit

Employment Taxes over number of employees

Tax contribution indicators specific to the main sectors


Tax contribution on operated motorways kilometers

Tax contribution on motorways kilometers traveled


Tax contribution on airport passengers

Total Tax Contribution by Geographic Area

Our tax contribution is concentrated almost entirely in Europe and the Americas.

This data aligns with the distribution of revenue and the general business trends.

France, Italy, Spain, Brazil, and Chile account for 90% of the total tax contribution, 83% of the Group's revenue, and 74% of the employees.

  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Mexico


With the aim of providing maximum transparency, since 2021 we have been publishing the Tax Transparency Report annually.
The document offers a clear and immediate overview of the Group's tax contribution to the economic and social systems of the countries where we operate, reflecting our belief that taxation is a key element in the transition toward a fairer and more sustainable future.

Download the 2023 Tax Transparency Report

Tax Strategy

Aware of the social importance of taxation, we have developed a Tax Strategy inspired by principles of responsibility and transparency, ensuring that tax management aligns with the values set forth in the Code of Ethics.

Download our Tax Policy

Tax Governance

The Group's Tax Governance system ensures proper tax management by assigning defined roles and responsibilities and promoting tax values and culture at all levels of the organization.

Tax Governance System: a 3-levels Tax Risk Management

The 3 lines of control


The tax unit and other line functions involved in various ways in the Tax Control Framework (risk owners) are responsible for first-level controls


The Tax Risk Officer conducts second-level controls and is responsible for revising and monitoring the first-level controls implemented through the Tax Control Framework


Internal Audit carries out third-level controls of the entire Internal Control and Risk Management System, including the Tax Control Framework

Our contribution stems from our values

We are a global Group.

The level of total tax contribution reflects the different regulations of the countries where we operate and the value generated by our activities.

Everywhere, with the same purpose: Improve moving life.

Fair Tax

Mundys’ commitment to tax transparency has led our Group to be awarded a Fair Tax mark for the third year running. This certification comes as a further confirmation of Mundys’ ongoing commitment to sustainability and transparency, including with regard to tax. This is the result of significant, continuous improvement in the information made available to our stakeholders, thanks to collaboration between Group companies and with the tax authorities in the countries in which Mundys operates.

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KPMG has performed a limited assurance review of the data used to prepare the 2023 Tax Transparency Report.
Click here to access the complete report