Driven by curiosity and openness to new horizons we have grown thanks to the push of new acquisitions.

Mundys is born on March 14th, 2023. Mundys represents a new reality, which aims to improve life on the move for all its passengers, promoting a mobility under the banner of sustainability and innovation, which is increasingly efficient and integrated. Mundys is a global leader that, with its Italian roots, looks to the world to promote and enable the mobility of the future. Mundys was born from a radical process of discontinuity and transformation. The delisting from Euronext Milan in December 2022, following the successful outcome of the Voluntary Tender Offer promoted by Edizione S.p.A., Blackstone and Fondazione CRT, was a milestone for the birth of Mundys and for a start of a story that is to be written, keeping travel and the traveler at the center.
On 17 January 2022 Atlantia signed a contract with the Siemens Group to acquire Yunex Traffic, one of the most important global players in the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) sector. The deal was a key step forward in implementing strategic development guidelines in new areas adjacent and synergic to the core sectors in which Atlantia is already a leader. At the end of January 2022, Atlantia was included, for the first time, in Bloomberg's Gender Equality Index. On 4 March 2022, it took part to a new financing round in Volocopter. On 5 May 2022, it took place the closing for the sale of the entire stake held in Autostrade per l'Italia to the consortium formed by CDP Equity S.p.A., The Blackstone Group International Partners LLP, and Macquarie European Infrastructure Fund 6 SCSp. At the end of June 2022, there was the closing of the acquisition of Yunex Traffic, global leader in Intelligent Transport Systems and Smart Mobility with infrastructure and platforms for managing traffic flows and urban mobility in more than 600 cities on 4 continents, welcoming 3,000 employees within the Group.

The year 2021 was marked by a profound transformation that defined the course of the new Atlantia. On 12 March 2021, Atlantia unveiled its new lines of strategic development, which see innovation and sustainability as key pillars of its business plan. Also in March 2021, Atlantia participated in a private placement of the German company Volocopter, world leader in the commercialization of innovative and sustainable Urban Air Mobility solutions, bringing a full-scale model of VoloCity, the urban passenger transport drone, to Italy for the first time in November together with Aeroporti di Roma. In June 2021, it launched in collaboration with SDA Bocconi "Mobius," the first Smart Mobility Lab in Europe to study and research new trends and forms of mobility. In October, it announced the new 10Days4 active citizenship model, through which employees can devote up to 10 paid days to non-profit social activities. In December Atlantia announced its entry into the We-Economy, a new employee compensation model that is even more transparent, fair and inclusive, positioning itself as one of the first companies in Italy to implement this paradigm. During the year Atlantia was included in the MIB ESG Sustainability Index, Euronext Eurozone 120, GLIO/GRESB Index, and confirmed in the FTSE4Good and ECPI Indexes. It rose in the MSCI ESG, Moody's ESG, and GRESB ratings.
With the acquisition of Abertis started in 2017 and finalized in October 2018, Atlantia is the world leader in transport infrastructures and integrated transport-related payment systems with a presence in 23 countries. In 2018, Atlantia acquired the 15.5% of Getlink, holding that manages the Eurotunnel in the English Channel. Throughout 2020, Atlantia though Abertis Infrastrucuras acquires the 53.1% of Red de Carreteras de Occidente in Mexico and the 55.2% of the Elizabeth River Crossing in the United States.

Atlantia entered the airport infrastructure sector in 2013, acquiring the two airports of Rome (Fiumicino and Ciampino). The Group expanded its presence in the airports sector in 2016, acquiring Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur, the company that controls the airports of Nice, Cannes-Mandelieu and Saint Tropez.