Mundys has been born

Last update: March 16th 2023

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A renewed shareholder base, a new management team and a new growth strategy focusing on overseas expansion, with the aim of becoming a global leader in the management of infrastructure and the provision of sustainable integrated mobility services. This is the inspiration behind “Mundys”, the new company resulting from a radical transformation process, followed by the conclusion of the public tender offer in December 2022.

Mundys’s strategic goal is to continue the Group’s growth and modernisation, investing in sustainable infrastructure (primarily airports and motorway networks) and in technological innovation, supporting people at all stages in their journey, whether across town or long-distance, by providing quality services designed with a view to caring for the environment.

Mundys is already present in 24 countries, managing iconic and strategic assets and infrastructure and services that are integrated with each other. Every year, over 3bn journeys are made by light and heavy vehicles on the Group’s motorway networks, whilst the Company’s Italian (Fiumicino and Ciampino) and French (Nice, Cannes and Saint Tropez) airports play host to 60m passengers and a further 7m use Telepass’s mobility services. Mundys also has a presence in more than 600 major cities throughout the world (including London, Singapore and Bogotà), providing innovative urban mobility platforms that improve traffic flow and cut emissions. The new business has over 23,000 employees, of which around 6,000 in Italy alone.

The name of the holding company - approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders held on 14 March - and the growth strategy for the coming years were presented on March 15th in Milan, where Giampiero Massolo (Chairman of Mundys), Alessandro Benetton (Chairman of Edizione and Deputy Chairman of Mundys) and Enrico Laghi (CEO of Edizione) had their first opportunity to meet the management teams of the Group’s main asset companies: José Aljaro Navarro (CEO of Abertis), together with Ana Bonet (CCEO of Elizabeth River Crossing), Gabriele Benedetto (CEO of Telepass), Franck Goldnadel (CEO of Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur), Diego Savino (CEO of Grupo Costanera), Marco Troncone (CEO of Aeroporti di Roma) and Jan Villwock (CFO of Yunex Traffic).
The idea for the new brand was put forward approximately a year ago by some of Mundys’s newest and youngest employees, who were keen to mark the radical changes that they have lived through at the Company. The proposal was immediately welcomed by Mundys’s management, the shareholder, Edizione, and its Chairman, Alessandro Benetton, and later embraced by Blackstone following the delisting.

Mundys, developed with the support of the international agency, Future Brand, is a word that has a strong Latin ring to it and that refers to the concept of globality. Its logo encapsulates the movement and dynamism of travellers, whilst the colours represent the two cornerstones of the holding company’s new strategy, innovation and care for the environment.

The testimonial for Mundys’s communication campaign is Vanessa Benelli Mosell, a young orchestra conductor and musician who is well-known outside of Italy. Vanessa was chosen as she represents an example of Italian excellence who, having studied and developed her musical skills at home, has built a successful international career, performing in Europe’s leading theatres. On March 16th Vanessa presented at Boarding Area E in Fiumicino airport’s Terminal 3 to conduct Accademia di Santa Cecilia’s JuniOrchestra, consisting of approximately 110 musicians with an average age of around 20. 

Watch the recording of the event of March 15th 2023

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Watch the recording of the event of March 16th 2023

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