In 2020, the long-term Santiago Centro-Oriente programme of works was completed. As one of the largest urban infrastructure projects in Chile in recent years, the programme comprises seven strategic interventions in particularly critical areas of the city of Santiago, aimed at solving problems relating to road conditions and traffic congestion.
As well as improving traffic flow, the programme has enhanced the quality of urban life by transforming previously congested areas into gardens, squares and green spaces for the enjoyment of citizens. Over the years, the Costanera Group has rehabilitated and made available to the community more than 175 hectares of green spaces, planted with approximately 85,000 trees and shrubs, most of which the company also maintains. Moreover, by channelling part of the traffic flow in the eastern part of the city through tunnels, a more than 10% reduction in noise pollution in the area concerned has been achieved, with levels falling to those existing in 1996. The traffic flow improvement measures have also saved the citizens of Santiago around 1.1 million hours per year in travelling time, with the associated positive repercussions on quality of life and the environment.