Abertis Mobility Services (AMS) has just launched a partnership with Yunex Traffic, a Siemens Business, to offer cities and public transportation agencies in Spain end-to-end solutions to implement Low Emission Zone (LEZ) projects.
Abertis Mobility Services (AMS) has just launched a partnership with Yunex Traffic, a Siemens Business, to offer cities and public transportation agencies in Spain end-to-end solutions to implement Low Emission Zone (LEZ) projects.
AMS brings to the partnership extensive knowledge in the management of LEZs, and its proven experience in the added value services aimed at improving the “costumer journey” and the compliance with regulations. Yunex Traffic brings to the partnership the technology system consisting of Hardware, Software and service components, with experience on the ITS market for almost 100 years. It has indeed built up a strong track record in LEZ solutions over the last years with references in big cities like London, Birmingham or Manchester.
This partnership is extremely important as in the next few years the number of low emission zones in Spain, as in other countries in Europe, will increase consistently. The new Climate Change Law within the "Spain 2050: Foundations and Proposals for a Long-Term National Strategy” - an ambitious plan aligned with community policies to drastically reduce emissions of greenhouse gases - requires all cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants to set up an environmental zone by 2023. The introduction of LEZs will affect 150 Spanish localities with more than 24 million people, 52% of the inhabitants of Spain.