Mundys expands its presence in Chile with award of the Ruta 5 Temuco-Rio Bueno concession |
Mundys: CDP reaffirms top rating among almost 25,000 firms surveyed |
Mundys launches Christmas giving Campaign with Sport Senza Frontiere at Rome’s Alberto Sordi arcade |
Mundys: resolution adopted the Board of Directors |
Mundys publishes new edition of its Tax Transparency Report. Tax paid worldwide by the Group rises to €2.5 billion |
News on Abertis’ business and on Mundys rating |
Mundys: live the single “Connections”. Written by Barkee Bay, it will be the soundtrack for green travellers |
Tender offer results in respect of €750,000,000 1.625 per cent. Notes due 3 February 2025 issued by Mundys S.p.A. |
Mundys 500 million euro second Sustainability-Linked Bond |
Mundys informs about a Liability Management exercise in relation to a series of outstanding notes (ISIN code XS1558491855). Information about the second issuance of Sustainability-Linked notes |
Mundys: "The Space of a Journey", the podcast on innovation and mobility, goes on air |
Mundys, the Shareholders’ Meeting approved financial statements as of 31 December 2023 |
Mundys: Integrated Annual Report 2023 |
Mundys renews Revolving Credit Facility |
Mundys 2023 Integrated Annual Report |
ESG: Mundys assigned highest possible rating by Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) following assessment of climate action plan |
Final results of Mundys S.p.A. liability management exercise |
Mundys inaugural 750 million euro Sustainability-Linked Bond |
Mundys starts a liability management exercise in relation to a series of outstanding notes (ISIN code XS1558491855) Information about the inaugural issuance of sustainability-linked notes |
Mundys updates Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework, strengthening commitment to decarbonising value chain |