Mundys publishes new edition of its Tax Transparency Report. Tax paid worldwide by the Group rises to €2.5 billion

CET 11.02 Rome, 16 September 2024 - The 2024 edition of the Tax Transparency Report, a key pillar of Mundys's tax transparency strategy, has been published online. This third edition of the annual report - covering the 2023 tax year - provides a detailed overview of the policies and practices via which the Group contributes to the jurisdictions and economies in which it operates, by promoting responsible, transparent and sustainable tax management. The 2024 Tax Transparency Report applies the Total Tax Contribution methodology to provide a comprehensive view of the taxes paid directly by Mundys (Taxes Borne), and those withheld and passed on to local tax authorities (Taxes Collected). In 2023, Mundys's Total Tax Contribution amounted to €2,533 million, up 15% from the €2,210 million registered in the previous year. Of this amount, Taxes Borne total €1,306 million and Taxes Collected total €1,227 million.

The 2024 Tax Transparency Report applies the Total Tax Contribution methodology to provide a comprehensive view of the taxes paid directly by Mundys (Taxes Borne), and those withheld and passed on to local tax authorities (Taxes Collected). In 2023, Mundys's Total Tax Contribution amounted to €2,533 million, up 15% from the €2,210 million registered in the previous year. Of this amount, Taxes Borne total €1,306 million and Taxes Collected total €1,227 million.