Press release

Atlantia: clarifications on today’s article by Affari & Finanza by La Repubblica
Announcement of publication of the notice of call to the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 28 april 2021 and of the relevant documentation
BoD extends the term for a revised offer for 88% of ASPI
Agenda of the AGM of 28 April 2021 supplemented for the appointment of a member of the Board of Directors
Member of Board of Directors resigns
Atlantia presents new development lines to the financial community
Board approves Integrated Annual Report for 2020
Announcement on a variation to the Financial Calendar 2021
Announcement of publication of the notice of call to the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 29 March 2021 and of the related documentation
Atlantia’s Board of Directors examines offer for 88% of ASPI | New General Meeting called for extension of demerger plan deadline
Atlantia: profondo dolore per la scomparsa del Presidente di ADR Catricalà
Implementation of the new Corporate Governance Code: adoption of a regulation for the Board of Directors, establishment of a Sustainability Committee and revision of the responsibilities of the existing committees
Atlantia SpA returns to Eurobond market with new €1.0bn issue, maturing in 2028
CDA Atlantia: concessa proroga al 24 febbraio a CDP, Blackstone e Macquarie per presentare offerta vincolante per l’88% di ASPI
Preliminary consolidated results for 2020
Letter from CDP Consortium requests extension of deadline for final offer for 88% stake in Autostrade per l’Italia
2021 Calendar of corporate events
Published the minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting dated 15 January 2021
Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders approves plan for partial, proportional demerger of Atlantia
Abertis completes the acquisition of Elizabeth River Crossings in the United States