Atlantia: clarifications on today’s article by Affari & Finanza by La Repubblica |
Announcement of publication of the notice of call to the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 28 april 2021 and of the relevant documentation |
BoD extends the term for a revised offer for 88% of ASPI |
Agenda of the AGM of 28 April 2021 supplemented for the appointment of a member of the Board of Directors |
Member of Board of Directors resigns |
Atlantia presents new development lines to the financial community |
Board approves Integrated Annual Report for 2020 |
Announcement on a variation to the Financial Calendar 2021 |
Announcement of publication of the notice of call to the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 29 March 2021 and of the related documentation |
Atlantia’s Board of Directors examines offer for 88% of ASPI | New General Meeting called for extension of demerger plan deadline |
Atlantia: profondo dolore per la scomparsa del Presidente di ADR Catricalà |
Implementation of the new Corporate Governance Code: adoption of a regulation for the Board of Directors, establishment of a Sustainability Committee and revision of the responsibilities of the existing committees |
Atlantia SpA returns to Eurobond market with new €1.0bn issue, maturing in 2028 |
CDA Atlantia: concessa proroga al 24 febbraio a CDP, Blackstone e Macquarie per presentare offerta vincolante per l’88% di ASPI |
Preliminary consolidated results for 2020 |
Letter from CDP Consortium requests extension of deadline for final offer for 88% stake in Autostrade per l’Italia |
2021 Calendar of corporate events |
Published the minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting dated 15 January 2021 |
Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders approves plan for partial, proportional demerger of Atlantia |
Abertis completes the acquisition of Elizabeth River Crossings in the United States |