Press release

Deliberations regarding Alitalia
Abertis and GIC acquire 70% stake in Red de Carreteras de Occidente in Mexico
Nominations Committee composition
Board of Directors decisions on the external audit
Standard & Poor’s downgrades Atlantia Group ratings
CEO resignation and decisions of the Board of Directors
CEO dimission
Board of Directors’ meeting called
Appointment of Chief Financial Officer
Determinations of the Board of Directors
Release Notice of Interim Report of the Atlantia Group for the six months ended 30 June 2019
Board approves Atlantia Group’s interim report for six months ended 30 June 2019
CEO Castellucci mandated to investigate Alitalia business plan
Standard & Poor’s placed on creditwatch negative its ratings for Atlantia, Autostrade per l’Italia and Aeroporti di Roma
Moody’s placed under review for downgrade Atlantia, Autostrade per l’Italia and Aeroporti di Roma ratings
Report of the ministerial Commission
Di Maio’s statements are affecting the stock price and are creating serious reputational damages
Resignation by a member of the Board of Directors
Atlantia: nessuna trattativa in corso su Telepass
Nessun fondamento ipotesi su accordo per ingresso nella Newco AZ