Press release

Transparency and sustainable growth at heart of the new targets for employees and managers
Repayment of €752m loan linked to the derivative contract of funded collar on Hochtief shares
Atlantia receives notice of claim from ASPI minority shareholders
Atlantia’s Board of Directors calls Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders for 31 May 2021 to examine binding offer for 88% stake in ASPI submitted by CDP, Blackstone, Macquarie consortium
Announcement of publication of documentation related to the Ordinary General Meeting to be held on 31 May 2021
Shareholders General Meeting of 28 April 2021
Announcement regarding binding offer for 88% stake in ASPI | Atlantia Board called for 30 April
Atlantia’s Board of Directors: announcement regarding the offer for 88% stake in ASPI
Atlantia’s BOD resolves to call Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders to examine binding offer for 88% stake in ASPI | Final decision on offer only after examination by shareholders
Sale of a 49% stake in Telepass completed
Atlantia’s BoD begins examination of the binding offer for 88% stake in ASPI | Expression of interest received today from ACS Group
Renewal of the Board of Statutory Auditors: submission of a list by institutional investors; notice of publication of the two lists submitted
Appointment of one Director: notice of publication of the two proposals submitted
Notice of extension of the deadline for the submission of lists for the Board of Statutory Auditors
Submission of two proposals for the appointment of one Director
Annual General Meeting as of 28 April 2021: filing of Annual Integrated Report 2020 and of Annual Report on Corporate Governance and the Ownership Structure
Published the minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting dated 29 March 2021
Non-fulfilment of the condition precedent provided by the Demerger Plan: interuption of the transaction
General Meeting dated 28 April 2021: notice of publication of the related documentation
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders: quorum required by law not reached for the extension of the term for the Plan of Demerger of Atlantia approved by the EGM on 15 January 2021